

This document proves that the police have identified and registered you. You receive it when you first enter Greece, in case you go through an identification check by the police. If you are not stopped or checked by the Greek Police, it can be issued at a later stage, following a referral issued by the authorities operating in a refugee camp in Greece or if you are led to a police station during a regular ID check. Yours may look different from this one.

Police upload all the personal data on your Police Note to the Alkyoni police computer system. This system is connected to the Eurodac system, where your fingerprints are stored.

Make sure all your personal information is correct on the note. Ask for corrections if you find mistakes. You have the right to ask for a translator to help you check or correct your information.

There are two important numbers on the note:

The willingness number is the number given to the asylum seeker who expresses his / her wish to apply for asylum in Greece. Registration for asylum applications takes place after scheduling an appointment via online platform. Your registration in mainland Greece can take place at the camp in Malakasa (near Athens) or the one in Diavata (near Thessaloniki).

The number ΔΙ.Κ.Α. or Δ.Κ.Α. (folder ID / DIKA): It is the file number for asylum seeker created by the asylum service or the police. Note that the same number (Δ.Κ.Α.) is written in the official note.


The Police Note does not give you the right to:

  • Work in Greece
  • Travel outside Greece
  • Bring family members to Greece